Germany’s new coalition government has presented its plans for their time in-charge, for the next four years. They are intending sweeping changes, a lot of them having a direct effect for migrants and refugees – including an easier path to citizenship and family reunification. Listed below are some of the key takeaways from their announcement:
– The coalition agreement of the traffic light parties: FDP, Greens and SPD want to reform the citizenship law.
– The conditions for acquiring German citizenship are to be made easier and are to be possible after just five years in Germany – the time can even be shortened to three years through special integration achievements.
– Children born in Germany are to be granted German citizenship immediately at birth if one parent has lived in Germany for at least five years.
– The SPD, Greens and FDP want to simplify naturalization by lowering the required language level, even for guest worker families.
– The new coalition agreement enshrines the new citizenship law, which is also to enable multiple citizenship. It is to be possible to acquire German citizenship alongside other citizenships – this is colloquially known as “Dual Citizenship”.
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