FAQ: What conditions are there as a qualified labor force?

9 August, 2023
 work in Germany

In the following situations, you can obtain a residence permit as qualified labor:

  1. If you have obtained equivalence for the qualification you obtained abroad from Germany *,
  2. If you have been provided with a concrete employment position and the employer providing the employment has filled out the form named “Declaration of Employment Relationship” **,
  3. If you have obtained a permit to practice a profession (or if you have received assurance that this permit will be granted to you), or if you want to work in a profession referred to as a “regulated profession” (reglementierter Beruf)1), such as in the field of healthcare,
  4. For instance, if you fulfill the general conditions based on foreigner laws, such as having a valid passport, sufficient income to support yourself, etc.
  1. In Germany, certain professions are regulated by laws. Being regulated by laws means that you need to obtain equivalence for your professional experience to be able to work in the profession in Germany. This is a legal requirement.

Once you fulfill all the conditions and can present all the necessary documents, you should apply for a visa. If the equivalence of the qualification you obtained abroad has not yet been accepted, your visa application cannot be processed.

  • If you have completed vocational training or university education in Germany, equivalence is not necessary. Different authorities are authorized to recognize the equivalence of qualifications obtained abroad. You can obtain information on this matter from the places mentioned below: