Job Seeker Visa

Are you looking for a job in Germany which suits your qualifications?

If you have graduated from a German higher education institution, a residence permit can be extended for up to 18 months to enable you to look for a suitable job if your livelihood is secure (§ 20 subsection 3 No. 1 residence act). The residence permit only entitles you to probationary employment of up to ten hours per week (§ 20 subsection. 1 sentence 4 residence act).
If you have successfully completed professional vocational training, you may be able to receive a residence permit valid for up to one year, subject to specific preconditions (§ 20 subsection 3 No. 3 and No. 4 residence act).

Pursuant to Section 20 subsection 2 of the Residence Act an applicant who has a foreign higher education qualification comparable to a German and whose livelihood is secured can be granted a residence permit to find a job suitable for the qualification for up to six months.
If the applicant finds an employer within half a year, he / she does not have to leave, but can apply for the necessary residence permit, blue card EU or branch permit directly in Germany.

The visa for job search is intended to help small and medium-sized enterprises, which have tended to orient their employment search to a regional level.

However, the residence permit does not entitle to employment. A renewal of residence is excluded. A residence permit can only be granted once the applicant has resided abroad for at least as long as he / she has previously resided on the basis of a residence permit in the Federal territory.

Professional Recognition

Recognition of foreign professional qualifications

If you are a Doctor, Pharmacist, Dentist, Nurse or you have a special professional skill which is recognized outside Germany and you would like to continue this profession in Germany, you need to evaluate your studies and your special qualifications in German authorized officials.

For this purpose, you need to translate and legalize your academic and professional documents before submission. Furthermore, you need to start to learn German and you may have a chance to continue learning German in Germany meanwhile the process of approbation. You also need an experienced lawyer for this process!

The German Residence Act gives you a chance to get a residence permit for maximum 18 months to proceed the approbation procedure in Germany.

Paragraph 16d of Residence Act (AufenthG.) Includes the following points:

(1) A foreigner shall be granted a residence permit for the provision of a training course and subsequent examination for a period of up to 18 months , for the purpose of recognition of his / her professional qualification acquired abroad.

  1. for the determination of the equivalence of the professional qualification with a domestic professional qualification or
  2. in a regulated profession inside Germany for the exercise of the right to practice or to obtain the right to use the professional title required.

(2) The residence permit entitles the holder to up to ten hours per week to work independently of the educational activity. This means you can work 10 hours per week during the approval process in any industry even not related to your profession.

(3) The residence permit shall entitle the holder to work without time limitation if the job requirements are closely related to the applicant’s profession. If a specific job offer is available for subsequent employment in the recognized and related sector, the consent from the Federal Employment Agency is not required. The Minimum Wage Act must be complied with employment in an area closely related to the profession for which recognition is being sought. 

(4) After determining the equivalence of the professional qualification in Germany, the right to practice the profession or required license for the applicant will be granted.

The residence permit entitles the holder to take up gainful employment during this time. 

(5) A foreigner shall be granted a residence permit to take an examination to recognize his / her foreign professional qualifications if a specific job offer is available for subsequent employment in the occupation to be recognized or covered by the requested professional or professional title. 

List of required documents for approval process:

  1. Application form
  2. Certificate of lack of criminal record (not older than one month)
  3. Medical Health Certificate (not older than one month)
  4. Detailed CV
  5. Copy of Residence Permit for people who have lived in Germany for more than 3 months.
  6.  Passport (Never send original, an attested copy or just a plain Photocopy is also enough).
  7. An appointment letter from a Hospital in the State, promising you a job after Work Permit is obtained.
  8.  Sufficient German language (Minimum Certificate A2 according to § 2 subsection 10)
  9. Previous work permit, if one has already worked before in Germany
  10. Certified German translations of academic degrees
  11. Certified German translation of relevant professional certificates

If you are interested to evaluate your professional certificates and willing to work in Germany in your profession, contact us for an individual support.

Our Law Firm will provide you a customized service for your application for approval of your qualifications as well as getting your German Residence permit.


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